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Moonberry blog:

Aurora Alchemy Goddess Oils & Soul Alchemy Healings

Being a New Age gal that I am, I subscribe to the ideology that wellness is a full integration of states of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This includes social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual and physical wellness. Spiritual wellness is a personal matter involving values and beliefs that provide a purpose in our lives. While different individuals may have different views of what spiritualism is, it is generally considered to be the search for meaning and purpose in human existence, leading one to strive for a state of harmony with oneself and others while working to balance inner needs with the rest of the world. I can tell you right now that this is an area of wellness that I take very seriously and place a great importance in in order to lead a fulfilling happy life.


There are days when I feel out of sync with the world, caused by emotional issues, mental stress or other physical factors, and I find that fine-tuning my spiritual calibrations helps me to regain inner balance and embrace my purpose, my intent. I rely on techniques such as meditation, aromatherapy and solitude (ie. “fuck y’all,” – i’m just kidding; or maybe not) to bring forth a peace of mind and slowly coming to terms with external factors beyond my control that have caused me distress. While the spiritual journey and quest for wellness is a personal one, I find it beneficial to recognize and receive gentle divine guidance from time to time.

Awaken Divine Feminity


Two years ago, I came across and started using these Goddess Oils from Aurora Alchemy. I spotted these anointing oils at my friend Cindy’s apartment one day and one of them read “Instant Happiness”. What a cute and fun name! I was intrigued and that’s how I first knew about Aurora Alchemy‘s Goddess Oils. They are essential oil blends which I enjoy dotting a drop or two on my wrists and inhaling the delicate fragrance whenever I need to calm myself down. Sometimes during times when I feel frazzled, I warm a few drops between my palms, take a few deep breaths and I am soothed. I love these Goddess Oils a lot because they are so uplifting and every bottle label bears a positive message that makes me feel empowered, blessed, calm and confident. Sometimes I idly pick up the bottle, read the label and I break out into a small smile because the words are so encouraging, fun and positive.

Origins of Aurora Alchemy


Aurora Alchemy, founded by “modern day alchemist” Yvette Sitten, features alchemical oils — Goddess Oils — with healing powers that “vibrate at different healing frequencies”, helping those who use the oils discover peace of mind, heart and soul. Packed with the highest grade therapeutic essential oils, crystals, flowers, and healing herbs, each blend is a sacred and secret recipe that Sitten creates from the Girdle of Goddesses and are made according to moon cycles, using meditation, sound and colour healing. These Goddess Oils, or soul elixirs, are part of a sacred tradition from Egypt and Mu, once reserved only for royalty, high priests and avatars. They are a gift and promise that the path of Oneness, Harmony and Ascension is available to all.


Goddess Oils – Elixirs For The Souls


Each bottle of Goddess Oil contains different kinds of vibrational healing that produces a powerful boost in human energy field. As such, the wearer’s bio-magnetic field aligns with the vibrational frequency of the bottle to produce transformational results. These healing therapies not only raise our frequency to levels of self love, abundance, protection, confidence, passion and more, the powerful rhythmic vibrations also remind the body of its own harmonic resonance and spur the cells and tissues on to bring back vitality and good health.

One of my fave Goddess Oils at the moment is Diana Wonderwoman Potion (S$68.00) and the description on the bottle reads:

Career. Success. Charisma. Evoke Diana, Goddess of the Moon with this supreme manifestation elixirs for success, fast tracking goals, focusing intention & star power. Hermatite stars ground and harness Diana’s huntress energy, rendering the wearer magnetic to opportunities & blessed events.

Awesome, innit? You can imagine the surge of positive energy I get whenever I anoint myself with just a drop of this Wonderwoman Potion on my wrist in the morning, I feel like I’m ready to take on the world and conquer! Aurora Alchemy Goddess Oils have been an overnight sensation, with many users experiencing massive transformational changes and attaining deeper spiritual wellness. With an international fan base spanning across Spain, Colombia, Venezuela, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Shanghai and Italy, in Singapore these wonderful oils are stocked at House of Aurora.


Soul Alchemy Healings


I get my Goddess Oils from House of Aurora, managed by Michele who knows the oils inside out and can tell you the different benefits of the individual blends. She is also a skilled Oracle reader and performs card readings as well as Aurora healing therapies. Healings from the House of Aurora, called Soul Alchemy Healings, are spiritual therapies that open up the spiritual path and shift our fragmented, stress-battered, emotionally-wounded selves back to wholeness. Think of it as a guided meditation. You know how sometimes you feel kinda out of sorts and not in tuned with what’s going on, yet you just can’t quite put a finger on where what how that happened? Whenever I feel that way, I need it to go away so that I can feel at peace and complete again. That’s what spiritual healing does for me. Regaining my zen.

Soul Alchemy Healing consists of working with Goddess Oils, card reading and hands-on healing. In my most recent visit, I received a chakra healing session from Michele during which she used crystals in tandem with the Goddess Oils to remove energy blocks and realign my chakras. For centuries, crystals have been used for healing the body, transforming the spirit, inspiring intuitive insight, guarding against negative vibrations, and smoothing the energy flows of spirit and body.


We all can use more positivity in our lives and the Goddess Oils from Aurora Alchemy are like personalized gifts for your soul. I believe in magic and miracles; not just the fluffy stuff like fairies, unicorns, angels and serendipity, but also real stuff like kindness, compassion and forgiveness. New Age, baby. ;)

I highly recommend all to check out the lovely Goddess Oils at House of Aurora Website, honestly just reading the positive descriptions makes you wanna have a bottle or two around for an occasional boost. Yes, I love these oils and I’m raving about them.

Love and light,

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