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The woody melody of Frankincense comes into harmony with delicate Frangipani & grounding Patchouli, within this crisp blend of alertness, focus and dynamic force. The Goddess Diana is the Divine Huntress who hits all targets with graceful speed, skilled twists & turns & unerring aim.  


Using this oil empowers the day with action & decisiveness. This essence of superheroic stamina & multitasking prowess drives forward plans and schemes to success and completion, while boosting confidence & self-worth. Apply a drop on either wrist & breathe in before entering the spotlight. 

The Amazon Queen ensures you are at your charismatic best to all!

Diana Amazon Warrior Potion

SKU : 0001
  • Applications:

    Apply to sacral area and heart to restore confidence and boost strength of will. With daily use all targets can be reached. Highly energetic tonic. Not recommended before bedtime. Boosts creativity & productivity. Assists with public speaking & appearances. Helpful for helping meetings go your way. This is the ultimate confidence potion for an electrically charged personal presence. Offers the courage to be your own star.

    To activate with Diana: Apply 5 drops of Diana oil to entire sacral band, massaging in spirals to activate the Code of Creation. For a luxurious activation, scoop warmed oil & drizzle onto chest & stomach area, massaging upwards in long strokes.

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